Sunday, March 29, 2015

What is the Computers?Introduction of computer

what is Introductions to computers?
Introductions to computers
Key terms
Electronic device
Introductions to computersA device having or using many small parts, such as microchips, that control and d
irect a small electric current. Electronic devices are those, which can operate at low voltage.
It is plural form of 'Datum' meaning fact. It is the representation of facts or observation. Alphabets, numbers and symbols represent data. For example, alphabets (a-z), numbers (0-9) and their combinations, quantity, etc are data.
Data arranged in useful and meaningful from is known as information. In which simple words, we can say that data are raw facts fed as input information is relevant knowledge produced as output of data processing.
Data processing
Data processing is the cycle of input, processing and output.
Volatile means "not permanents" it is the process of loosing he (unsaved) data from the memory esp. primary memory when the power is switched off.
It is the short form of binary digits. It is the smallest unit of memory. It can be either 0 or 1.
Combination of eight bits is called one byte. One byte represents one character. Character may be A-Z, a-z, numbers or special characters (!, @, #, $, *, <,> etc.)

Unit of memory
1 Bit        = 0 or 1
4 Bits        = 1 nibble
8Bits                = 1Byte
1024 Byte       = 1 kilobyte (KB)
1024 Kilobyte    = 1 Megabyte (MB)
1024 Megabyte = 1 Gigabyte (GB)
1024Gigabyte = 1Terabyte(TB)
1024Terabyte = 1PeraByte(PB)
1024Perabyte = 1EraByte
Units of processing speeds
1 Hz  = one instruction per second
1 KHz = one thousand instructions per second
1MHz = 1000 *1000 instructions per second
1GHz = 1000*1000*1000 instructions per second
Introduction of computer
Computer is a programmable electronic device that can perform mathematical and logical operations at a very high speed.
Generally, computer takes raw data from the user as input and produces the information as output. The principle characteristics of a computer are to respond to a specific set of instructions in a well-defined manner and to execute a pre-seconded list of instruction (a program). Modern computer are electronic and digital. The word "computer" was derived from Latin word "Computer" which means "calculated.
Modern computer generally consists of two basis components. They are:
1. Hardware (what is Computer Hardware?)
The physical components of computer like that wires, transistors, circuit, keyboard, motherboard, Mouse, monitor, power box and etc. which can be touched and felt are known as a hardware device.
General description of different hardware components of a computer systems are explained below:
Front view of system unit
1. Power on/off: this switch is used to switch on (start) or switch off (shut dow
Front view of system unit
n) the computer systems.
2. Reset button: this button is used to restart the computer without disconnecting the power supply. It is very useful when computer hangs.
3. Turbo button: it is generally found in older types of CPU assign. Pressing this button increases the processing speed of the computer.
4. Floppy disk drive: this drive is for inserting a 3.5" floppy disk for transferring data from/to the computer. Every disk requires a drive for its operation.
5. CD-ROM Drive: this drive is for inserting a CD for listening to music (Audio CD) or for viewing movies (Video CD) and program CD to install new programs.

6. Lights: the front side of computer system consists lights for power, turbo, hard disk, floppy disk, CD-ROM etc. the variety of colored lights (red or green) indicates that the computer is busy in processing.
Back view of the systems unit
In the back view of the computer system, there are different types of ports. The ports are connected to the particular device through the cables. So the connector of the cables should be matching with respective ports.
Back view of the systems unit
1. Power in and out socket: the cable plugged into the power in socket brings power from external sources to the system unit and the cable plugged to the power out carries power from system units to the monitor.
2. Serial ports: these ports connects computer to a mouse or modem. Most of the computers found today have two serial ports.
3. Video/monitor port: the cable from the monitor fits into port and carries the information to be displayed on the monitor.
4. Parallel port: it is generally used for connecting computer to the printer.
5. Keyboard port: it is circular in shape. The keyboard cable fits into the keyboard port.
6. USB Port: USB stands for universal serial bus. USB port is very useful for connecting new generation devices such as video camera, Keyboard, Mouse new generation devices such as video camera, pen drive etc.
7. Nic port: Nic stand for network interface card. Nic port provides connection between computer through wires.
8. Fan Housing: the fan placed at the back of the system unit helps to remove the hot air so that systems unit is safe from overheating.
Software (what is software?)
Software is the part of computer, which is responsible for the processing of data. The logical components or set of procedures or routine of instruction are called software. Without software a commuter is just wireless metallic box.
All general process computers require the following hardware components:
1. Input unit: this unit of computer is responsible to feed the data and instructions into the computer. Some common input devices are keyboard, muse, scanner, pen drive port, joystick, etc.
2. Memory Unit: this unit of computer is responsible to store data and programs permanently or temporarily into the computer. The memory can be both interest and external, depending upon its location. The internal memory is generally known as primary or main memory. It is directly accessible to CPU (central processing Unit) and is volatile in nature. The external memory is generally known as secondary memory and is not directly accessible to CPU. It is accessed via I/O controllers. It is non-volatile in nature. It included magnetic disk; magnetic drums etc. whereas primary memory included ROM & RAW.
3. Central processing Unit (CPU): CPU is the heart of computer, which executes instruction stored in the main memory. It performs arithmetic and logical operations in addition to control ad supervision of the entire computer system. The main components of CPU are control Unit. ALU (Arithmetic & Logical Unit), and Resisters.
4. Output unit: the port of computer, which is responsible to display and produce the information processed by the CPU, is known as output unit. Some common output devices are monitor, printer, speakers, etc.
Notes: this is hardware components-input units; output unit, memory unit and CPU are discussed in detail in coming units.